Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekly Cat Video

In an attempt to blog more, I have decided to weekly cat video post because well, cats are fucking awesome. Youtube is full of crazy cat video that brings joy and laughter to my life and I would like to share them with you, my readers, which at the moment I think my only readers are my BFF and her mom so Mel and Vivian, thank you.

This weeks video is DJ Cat. Enjoy

Sunday, June 12, 2011

This is for my BFF

So I was at the Red Hot in last night enjoying a beer (well only 1/6th of my beer. It was 9% and I had to drive home) with my BFF, Mel. The bar movie for that night was 1972's The Way of the Dragon. It was so fantastically awful, cheesy martial arts film !! This movie lends itself so well to making up your own lines. Classic! We made lots of ball kicking jokes and dirty hipster comments because apparently guys in the early 70's dress like hipsters. Then the best part: the Chuck Noris and Bruce Lee fight to the death in some Roman Ruins. Yes, I said Roman Ruins. Well I'll let the gif tell the story. Mel this is for you!